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Interesting idea. Probably having an isometric view and avoid the camera to go out of bounds will helps lots. I felt lost about where to go, but I guess exploring is part of the game, but then, slopes (or any other thing you come out with) could be use to increase speed and give you some advantages to run faster and take less time.

that was fun, I had trouble with the camera clipping but I enjoyed it overall, well done for getting it submitted!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah the camera clipping was something I too noticed, just didn't know how to fix it without rewriting too much code :(

oh I know the feeling there! It’s always a pain when you discover something but don’t have time to fix it, for me it was the z-sorting and collision detection, there just wasn’t time.

Finally was able to find and implement a fix for that. No (or very minimal) clipping now!

awesome! I’ve got so many to play but I’ll come back to yours :)